
LiFi Technology

What is LiFi?

More About Lifi

The basic function of Li-Fi is transferring data through a light beam which varies intensively fast that human eye cannot sense the variation of the light beam.

History of LiFi

Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) is invented by Prof. Harald Haas in 2011. Li-Fi is a 5th generation wireless data transmission technology which transfer data using Light Emitting Diode (LED)s

Migrating from WiFi to LiFi

Usage of wireless traffic is getting to increase from year to year. Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of wireless traffic over the past decade is 60%. According to this increasingly rate, Wi-Fi will have a 0.3 THz demand of bandwidth in next 20 years. However, this is impossible with the available RF bandwidth in RF system. (Haas, 2018).

What is its Capability

The first tested Li-Fi version transfers data using IEEE 802.15.7 protocol. (Haas, 2018) Because of this higher bandwidth and parallel transmission method Li-Fi can transfer data in a rate of 6 Gbps from the implementation. (Haas, 2015).